Best PHP Course Training Institute in Jaipur

Best PHP Course Training Institute in Jaipur

Learn PHP from Scratch to Advanced Levels with Us!

PHP is an open-source programming language used by web developers to create dynamic content and interactive web pages, for session tracking or building entire e-commerce websites. At our PHP training institute in Jaipur, an enrolling candidate will learn everything about PHP scripting and the use of HTML/CSS, PHP, JavaScript (JS) and MySQL programming languages while coding.

PHP is an open-source programming language used by web developers to create dynamic content and interactive web pages, for session tracking or building entire e-commerce websites. At our PHP training institute in Jaipur, an enrolling candidate will learn everything about PHP scripting and the use of HTML/CSS, PHP, JavaScript (JS) and MySQL programming languages while coding.

Learn the Following in Our PHP Training Centre

What Will Be A Part of Our PHP Web Development Course?

Complete projects at a rapid pace and code seamlessly with PHP. Our entire PHP course will proceed step-by-step and gets divided into four sections that are HTML/CSS, PHP, MySQL Database and JavaScript. Understand how to use different programming languages with PHP to create independent projects in our PHP internship program. The PHP development full course details are as follows -

Start with Basic HTML/CSS

HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is a programming language that sets the structural layout of any web page by directing the command prompt on how to configure the basic elements such as the text and images present on a given webpage. On the other hand, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) control the appearance of page elements such as the visual and aural layout. In this section of our course, you will learn all about -

  • How to Design a web page using HTML.
  • How to design an entire website using HTML/CSS.
  • Form fields and submissions in HTML/CSS and PHP.

Introduction of PHP

Get Introduced to the fundamentals of PHP and the installation processes, including its syntax, scripting and usage, file extension and more. In our PHP coaching classes, develop a precise understanding of the following concepts -

PHP Language Building Blocks

A series of simple statements or instructions given by the user, form the building blocks of the PHP programs which are -

  • Literals
  • Variables
  • Constants
  • Data types
  • Operators and
  • Control structures (if-else statements, loops).

Xampp and Apache Installation

Setting up a local development environment consists mainly of a cross-web server solution that uses XAMPP, Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB database and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.

Communicating with Localhost

This includes learning how to set up and run PHP scripts on the local server. This virtual server (local host) is used to test web applications and communicate over the internet.

Learn How to Write PHP Scripts

This section of our course will aid an applicant in writing a basic PHP script, adding PHP code to an HTML file and using PHP functions for getting the desired output.

The Connection Between HTML and PHP

Gain in-depth knowledge about all processes involved in integrating PHP code into HTML files and vice versa.

Define the Variables and Data Types

Learn PHP development from the core, starting from different data types and building blocks in the PHP language. Also, learn how to declare variables and how to perform operations on them with PHP.

PHP Forms (Receiving/Sending Data by $_GET, $_POST and $_REQUEST Method)

The last section of this introduction to PHP will introduce its learners to various PHP forms and will cover all methodologies regarding how to receive and send data using forms in PHP.

PHP Programming

Learn PHP basics from scratch such as the use of conditional statements, looping, array functions and embedding the scripts in our PHP developer and programming course, which includes -

Introduction to Conditional Statements

While writing programs, a coder generally makes use of if-else and switch statements to assert its execution only when the condition gets satisfied. There are generally 4 types of conditional statements that are used in PHP -

  • if conditional statements
  • if...else conditional statements
  • if... elseif...else conditional statements
  • switch conditional statement


Loops are used to execute the same block of code as long as a condition holds true. Generally, loops present in PHP are divided into 4 which are -

  • for loops
  • while loops
  • do-while loops and
  • forEach loops

Array Handling

An array is a kind of ordered map in PHP that associates values to keys. A list, hash table, dictionary, stack, queue, and many more can be regarded as an array. The broad topic of array handling covers creating, manipulating and iterating values through arrays in PHP.

Array Functions

In our PHP developer training course, an applicant will learn how to implement the numerous built-in array functions present in the PHP programming language such as array_push(), array_pop(), array_reverse() and so on.

Login Screen Concepts

In this part of the PHP course, students will learn how to create a login screen or a login registration system in an ongoing PHP project.

Dynamic Table Generation

A part of PHP developer training is generating dynamic HTML tables or database tables for fetching requests in PHP.

Web Navigation Through PHP Header

This section will take a learner all the way through how a PHP programmer navigates or switches between different PHP web pages using various PHP headers.

Embed PHP Scripts in HTML Pages to Create Dynamic Web Pages

The exercise of embedding an entire PHP script in an HTML file, allows the developer to create dynamic pages. While working with PHP, you need to use the .php file extension so that the server knows when to send the file to PHP for processing the information according to the code written in the file.

PHP Functions

For a candidate to start learning PHP, it becomes necessary that he knows all about built-in functions as well as creating a whole set of new functions that the code writer can call anywhere in your program. Majorly an applicant will get acquainted with the following PHP functions -

String Functions

This function is used to manipulate the strings in PHP. For instance, to decipher the length of a string and extract and replace a given string with another substring, various built-in string functions such as strlen(), substr(), and str_replace get used in PHP.

Creating Your Own Functions

A very important aspect of learning PHP programming from scratch is creating your own functions. This practice allows you to write a script that is modular, easier to read and maintain. To create a function in PHP, the function keyword gets followed by the function name and then its body. After creating a function to serve a specific purpose, a programmer must also know how to call it when required.

PHP Callback Functions

This section majorly aids a candidate to use callback functions (pass functions as parameters to other functions) in PHP. Callback functions are generally used to execute a specific function or task when a certain event occurs, to sort arrays and in other tasks as well.

Maths Function

These functions specialise in performing mathematical operations/calculations while writing code in PHP language. A few examples of mathematical functions used to perform calculations in PHP include rand(), round(), floor() and so on.

Handling Global Data in Functions

Global data is information that can be accessed from anywhere in the program. While coding in PHP, a programmer can make use of the global keyword to access the global data inside a function.

Passing Value & Reference Variables in Functions

Quite an essential part of handling global data within functions in PHP, is passing variables to functions in the form of either values or references. This technique is quite useful when you want to modify a variable inside a function and get the changes reflected in the calling code.

PHP Advanced

From learning Core PHP to mastering advanced programming skills, this PHP training course section will talk all about -

What is Session

While working with an application, the entire series of tasks you perform with the application such as opening it time and again, making changes, linking, navigating and then closing it, the entire cycle of activities from starting to end is counted as a single session. The PHP tutorial for beginners at our Academy covers what sessions are and how to work in PHP.

Session Handling

A PHP session is used to store and pass information from one page to another in one application until the user closes the website. Session handling covers all processes involved in creating and managing sessions in PHP.

PHP Cookies

PHP learning encompasses techniques on how to create and manage cookies on the website A cookie is a small file that the server embeds on the user's computer. Learn how to send and retrieve the cookie value using PHP in our internship program at Jaipur.

include, include_once, require and require_once Methods

Different methods are used for including files in the PHP programming language. The most common functions used to include the files are “require, require_once, include and include_once” functions.

Session with Array

The session array is used to store data and keep track of the users in the arrays.

PHP File Handling

This covers how to handle files in PHP, including opening, reading, writing, and uploading files.

PHP File Open/Read

This command is used to open and read files in PHP. Any fIle in PHP can be opened in one of the following modes - r, w, a, x, r+, w+, a+, x+ and more.

PHP File Create/Write

This command is usually given to create and write files in PHP. Apart from writing, you will learn all about overwriting and appending text in this section.

PHP File Upload

This section will take you through all the activities involved in uploading files in PHP, limiting file size, file type and more.


JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation which is a syntax for storing and exchanging data in PHP. Learn how to encode and decode in JSON format and make use of the many PHP built-in functions such as json_encode() and json_decode() at our coaching centre in Jaipur.

PHP Exceptions

An exception is an object that describes an error or unexpected behaviour that occurs in a PHP script. Throwing an exception is one of the common behaviour that the PHP user must have adequate knowledge of.

Object-Oriented Programming with PHP

Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) is a programming paradigm where coding procedures involve creating objects that contain both data and functions. This section of the PHP course will introduce a learner to the important OOPs concept and how they come in handy while coding in PHP.

What is OOPs

Get familiar with OOPs, a computer programming model and its features such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism in this section.

Introduction to Classes & Objects

This segment will tell you all about classes and objects, the two main aspects of object-oriented programming in PHP.

Scope of Public, Private and Protected Modifiers

Modifiers control where properties and methods can be accessed. Modifiers in PHP classes get generally divided into three which are -

  • Public modifiers
  • Private modifiers and
  • Protected modifiers.

PHP Abstract Classes

An abstract class contains at least one abstract method i.e. it has its body defined in the subclass through the concept of inheritance. In our PHP classes in Jaipur, a candidate will learn how to define and use abstract classes while writing scripts in this language course.

PHP Static Methods

Static methods get declared with a ‘static keyword’ and can be called out without creating an instance of the class. Here, learn how to define and use static methods in PHP.

PHP Namespaces

Namespaces are Qualifiers that are used to organise code by grouping classes that work together to perform a specific task and preventing naming conflicts.

MySQL (Structured Query Language) Database

Learn and work with PHP fast and in a systematic manner by enrolling in Ubuy Academy. In our PHP course, students will learn MySQL development from scratch, all about MySQL databases and how to perform various database operations. The topics that will be covered in this section include:

How to Connect with MYSQL Database & SQL Queries

Students opting to enrol themselves in the PHP MySQL course will learn how to connect to a MySQL database and execute SQL queries while coding in this programming language.

Insertion, Updation and Deletion Through Form

Every learner must know how to insert, update, and delete data in a MySQL database using PHP forms. This actually enables the developer to create interactive web applications and modify the existing data.

Search in MySQL Query

In our PHP programming language course, Students will learn how to write SQL queries that search for data in a MySQL database and return the results to the user.

MySQL Security

It is crucial to know all about securing a MySQL database from thefts and unauthorised access, such as SQL injection. Students should possess appropriate knowledge about common security risks and how to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Learn MySQL Query with Joins

Joins in PHP are used to combine data from multiple tables within a database. This pursuit directly governs the creation of complex database queries. Every participant of our course will learn all about using inner joins, outer joins and other its other types to combine data from multiple tables.

Advanced SQL Functions, MySQL Operators, Where Clauses

This segment of our PHP course will provide a candidate with in-depth knowledge about advanced SQL functions, different MySQL operators and all clauses that perform complex database operations in PHP. This exercise will be inclusive of learning about aggregate functions such as COUNT, MAX and MIN, as well as using operators such as LIKE, IN and BETWEEN.

Dynamic Form Data with MySQL

This section will cover all methodologies used for manipulating the existing data update or delete records from a MySQL database in PHP.

CRUD Operations with HTML/PHP/MySQL and OOPS

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. Having proper knowledge of how to perform CRUD operations on a MySQL database using HTML, PHP, and OOPS will be an essential part of learning advanced PHP programming at our training institute.

SQL Exercises

To master the use of MySQL and PHP programming languages in sync, this segment of our course will provide the students with numerous options to practise the same.

JavaScript (JS)

The impending PHP development course involves learning PHP, MySQL and JavaScript from core levels to an integrated implementation. All the topics covered in this section will teach every applicant to use JavaScript with PHP to create interactive web pages -

What is JavaScript

Students must be familiar with the basics of JavaScript such as the variables, data types and control structures for writing more complex JavaScript code in PHP.

Programming with JavaScript

While learning Javascript, the first step towards the introduction to programming in PHP includes writing JavaScript code to perform various operations such as form validation and dynamic page elements.

Accessing Form Objects/Elements

Working with Javascript in PHP is always inclusive of learning how to access HTML form elements. This allows a user to validate form data and create dynamic forms that can be updated as and when required by a user.

Validating Forms Through JavaScript

To validate the data entered, our PHP-certified training course will make you familiar with various techniques to use JavaScript to validate form data in PHP.

Controlling CSS Through JavaScript at Run Time

This JavaScript course section will aid you in learning how to use JavaScript to dynamically modify CSS styles in PHP. This includes formatting the style of elements present on a page based on user interaction.

Basic of jQuery

jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that simplifies event-handling processes. Students enrolling in our PHP training institute will master the use of jQuery selectors, animations, AJAX, and other features to create dynamic web applications.


Working with AJAX in PHP makes it easy to send and receive data from a server, update a given page content without reloading and perform many other functions to generate dynamic user experiences for clients.

JavaScript Exercises

JavaScript Exercises in PHP are often associated with writing simple scripts to validate forms, creating animations and so on.

Steps to Advance Scripting

To build more robust and dynamic applications in PHP, the steps to advance scripting are as follows -

Paging through Database

The process of displaying a set number of records from a database so that a user can easily switch and work on them has collectively been coined the term “Paging”. The process of paging through the Database takes into account breaking down the records into smaller sets and navigating in between them with the help of provided buttons.

What is SQL Injection and How to Prevent SQL Injection

The perpetrator of a cyber attack can inject malicious code into an SQL statement to gain unauthorised access to an organisation's database. While learning advanced PHP programming, preventing SQL injection and theft of information forms an important part of PHP training for beginners, they must be skilled at it.

Introduction to XML Document

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is used for data structuring, storing and transporting it from one form to another while coding in PHP. Develop a basic understanding of working in XML and its syntax along with using various PHP functions to simplify the development processes.

How PHP Call Web Services/API

Learn how to communicate with remote web services using PHP taking the help of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Learn how to call web services or APIs using PHP in the coaching classes at Jaipur.

Exercises That Will Be Involved at Our Institute?

Exercises That Will Be Involved at Our Institute

After the completion of the full PHP course, each applicant will be provided with the opportunity to practise their learned skills by working on live projects.

Advantages of Joining Our PHP Coaching Classes in Jaipur?

Advantages of Joining Our PHP Coaching Classes in Jaipur?

Here are some of the lucrative benefits of learning PHP programming at our training institute in Jaipur:

  • The full PHP development course will train applicants step-by-step i.e. from beginner to advanced levels.
  • Our is a certified PHP course which will open a plethora of job opportunities for the joiners.
  • Our mentors will assist you in building projects using PHP.
  • The PHP developer training course combines the use of HTML, Javascript, OOPs, MySQL database and advanced PHP scripting all in one.
  • Our PHP training institute has strong tie-ups with many reputed IT Companies that are hiring PHP developers quite frequently.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding PHP Coaching Centre in Jaipur

Ubuy Academy, with its experienced staff, top-drawer amenities and specially designed curriculum, has become the best website to learn core PHP. Also, we provide our students with the resources so that they can fulfil their dreams of becoming web developers.

The reason for preferring Ubuy Academy for learning web development is that even if you are a beginner, we will help you learn PHP from scratch in a step-by-step process and help you master the skills of advanced PHP scripting with time.

Apart from the job role of a web developer, there are numerous paths that will open for a learner after the successful completion of a PHP developer training course. These can be computer programmers, information system managers, web designers, software engineers and mobile game developers and many more.

Yes, we assist our students in getting job assistance after the completion of the entire PHP course, however, completing the certification before everything else becomes a must.

You don't have to worry about that, as the course duration getting completed does not mean we will leave you hanging. All your doubts related to the PHP learning course will be clarified by our trainers as soon as possible.

Reach Out to Us for More Information on Our PHP Training Institute in Jaipur

For more information about our PHP coaching centre in Jaipur and queries regarding other course details, kindly drop an email at Contact us to learn all about the PHP developer course duration, fees, timings, availability of PHP modules, tutorials and more.