The Finest Automation Testing Course Training Institute in Jaipur

The Finest Automation Testing Course Training Institute in Jaipur

Become A Proficient Automation Engineer with Us!

Automation testing is executed to make the process of software and application testing more effective, quick and streamlined. Compared to manual testing, automation testing helps developers to identify errors and rectify them at the early stages of software development. Ubuy Academy, a top-notch automation training institute in Jaipur, is quite popular among aspiring automation enthusiasts. Their systematically designed automation training course program equips participants with the essential skill set, providing practical exposure and the opportunity to learn automation under expert guidance.

Automation testing is executed to make the process of software and application testing more effective, quick and streamlined. Compared to manual testing, automation testing helps developers to identify errors and rectify them at the early stages of software development. Ubuy Academy, a top-notch automation training institute in Jaipur, is quite popular among aspiring automation enthusiasts. Their systematically designed automation training course program equips participants with the essential skill set, providing practical exposure and the opportunity to learn automation under expert guidance.

Learn Automation Testing from Scratch at Our Training Institute in Jaipur

Our top-tier automation course training institute provides a comprehensive module that covers a wide range of tools and techniques, aimed at helping individuals learn automation testing from scratch. Here is what we offer -

Automation Test Planning

Essential Automation Terms

Automation Testing with Java

Oops Concepts in Java


Test Maintenance & Management

Script Development

Preparing Analytical Reports

Coordination & Communication

Unit, Integration & Security Testing

Loading & Enhancement

Troubleshooting & Debugging

Tech Advancement

Interdisciplinary Aspects

What is Automation Testing?

What is Automation Testing?

Automation testing can be understood as the process of using tools and scripts for executing tests in a more efficient manner as compared to manual testing. When we talk about automation training, it is a detailed process in which a candidate is made familiar with the automation tools and techniques for software application tests. It consists of framing programs, codes and necessary macros that collectively automate any kind of complex task related to script development and test maintenance.

Why Test Automation?

Why Test Automation?

Using automation techniques results in effective and on-time project completion. Moreover, it also helps to eliminate the possibility of human errors by working on a predetermined phenomenon with accuracy which leads to increased productivity. On a major part, automation training is associated with testing that involves test execution, script creation and conducting test results analysis.

With our automation training course, we make sure all our participants get comprehensive knowledge of automation testing essentials including test planning, reporting, maintenance and more. Join our automation training institute now and get a chance to learn from industry expert tutors through interactive live classes.

Which Test Cases to Automate?

Which Test Cases to Automate?

The basic idea behind automation training is to develop advanced skills to execute more and more software and robotic techniques for ease of work. There are several types of test cases that are ideal to automate tasks -

  • Performance Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Maintenance Testing
  • Compatibility Testing
  • High-Risk Testing
Compelling Advantages of Automation Testing

Compelling Advantages of Automation Testing

Automation testing offers numerous benefits over manual testing. Here are some of the ways that automation testing surpasses manual testing:

  • Automation testing works 70% faster than manual testing.
  • Automation testing promotes wider test coverage of application features.
  • As compared to manual testing, automation testing is more reliable in results.
  • Automation testing ensures consistency which promotes greater accuracy.
  • It saves time and cost with its better speed and efficiency in executing tests.
  • Human intervention is not required as execution is done automatically which helps in errorless testing.
  • Automation testing test scripts can be used multiple times which results in resource optimization.

Discover What is Included in Our Automation Testing Training Classes?

From basic concepts to advanced techniques, our curriculum offers all the relevant skills and knowledge you need to excel to become proficient in automation testing. On joining our course you will be covered with the following key topics:

Introduction to Basics of Automation Testing

Anyone wishing to learn automation testing must first understand its fundamentals and acquire the necessary skillset. Before directly going forward to the core topics of automation testing, we at Ubuy Academy lay more emphasis on giving our learners an understanding of what it actually is. Here you will get to know about the overview of various techniques used in automation testing like virtualization and test integration. Our automation testing classes start with the fundamentals, providing learners with a clear understanding of the meaning, types, and objectives of automation testing.

Essential Automation Terms

As automation testing involves a variety of complex terms and concepts, it is crucial to provide participants with a clear idea of such fundamental terms. In this section, the participants will learn what is meant by test scripts, API testing, regression analysis, test coverage, continuous integration etc. and how these actually work. It is necessary to properly understand these terms to properly communicate and work in the field of automated testing.

Types of Automation Testing

For developing software applications, various types of automation testing are executed depending on the ongoing project requirements. In this course you will get to learn these automaton testing types -

  • Functional testing
  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • Smoke testing
  • Non-functional testing
  • Performance testing
  • Regression testing
  • Keyword-driven testing
  • Data-driven testing

Mastering the Required Scripts

In automation testing, various types of scripts are used to initiate tasks, including configuration scripts, data-driven scripts, keyword-driven scripts, hybrid scripts, and more. At our automation training centre, we provide detailed training on how to create effective and efficient automation scripts using different programming languages.

Test Tool Selection

In software testing, selecting the right testing tools is a critical step to ensure that the testing process is streamlined, effective, and aligned with the project's objectives. The test tool selection process involves analysing the testing requirements and identifying the most appropriate tools that can fulfil those requirements. This is followed by evaluating the tools based on their functionality, usability, and compatibility.

Scope of Automation

The scope of automation in software testing involves using tools and techniques to automate testing tasks, such as creating and executing test scripts. The extent of automation depends on factors like system complexity and testing objectives. Analysing the scope beforehand helps determine whether the automation is worthwhile or not.

Planning, Design and Development

In the automation process, planning sets the direction and goals of the testing process. The design phase follows, where test cases and scripts are created based on the requirements identified in the planning phase. The development phase involves the actual creation and implementation of the automation scripts, and executing the tests. By following these three phases, the testing process can be optimised, leading to greater efficiency and effectiveness in meeting the project's objectives.

Test Execution

Test execution refers to the actual process of executing test cases to verify the functionality and performance of a software application. It involves running the test scripts created during the design and development phases of automation. Test execution determines whether the application is functioning as expected or not and helps to identify defects or bugs that need to be fixed.


The term "maintenance" in the context of automation refers to a collection of practices that are intended to guarantee the overall effectiveness of automated systems. To avoid malfunctions and make sure the system keeps running effectively and efficiently, this involves tasks like inspecting, cleaning, repairing, and replacing parts and components.

QA Automation Training in Detail

QA (Quality Assurance) has got a very crucial role to play in the area of software automation as it helps you to examine the reliability of intended applications. QA automation is capable of finding any defect right in the process of development. It also enables developers to resolve the issue and avoid resource wastage. With its assistance, testers can efficiently execute the tests consistently which streamlines the testing process as a whole. Our QA automation certification course is structured in such a way that it promotes you to learn QA automation conveniently. In our QA automation training, you will also learn how to design and execute automated test cases, analyse test results, and report defects.

Accelerate Your Learning with Our Automation Testing Frameworks

The automation testing frameworks are the major components of software development that are primarily used to reduce the time taken and human efforts in testing applications. They are key factors in the creation of guidelines, codes and concepts required in the automation process. We offer the following automation testing frameworks:

Core Java

Java is the major programming language used in automation testing as it offers various functions including platform independence, flexibility, and ease of use. Java also facilitates automation creators to make efficient programming which is then utilised in operating systems and other applications. Additionally, it offers a huge selection of frameworks and APIs that facilitate the automation of desktop, mobile, and web applications. In our automation testing with Java course, you will learn about -

  • Java Fundamentals
  • Data types
  • Variables, Constants, and Literals
  • Operators
  • Control Statements
  • Iteration statements (Loops)
  • Jump Statements
  • Methods
  • Array
  • Class Inheritance
  • Overriding & Overloading
  • Abstract Class And Methods
  • Interfaces, Packages and Access Control
  • Object Oriented Concepts (OOPS)
  • Exceptions
  • Strings
  • Collections Framework


In simple terms, Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool that has the primary task of testing and analysing web applications. Its main work is assisting the testers to computerise overall testing and making analytics regarding web applications. Our Selenium automation course begins with the fundamentals and gradually moves to more advanced levels of Selenium training. Our Selenium testing training provides all the participants with enough resources and consistent guidance to learn Selenium from scratch.

Selenium WebDriver

WebDriver is an essential automation framework that is used to set necessary commands for a software interface. Primarily used for the automation of web browsers, it is interdisciplinary to Selenium testing. Developers employ WebDriver as a tool to automate various web development tasks including navigation, entering information, page scrolls and more. This automation training course will make you learn Selenium WebDriver effectively to improve web development productivity and quality.

Along with the basic introduction of Selenium WebDriver, you will also get to know about the following aspects -

  • How to Download & Install Selenium WebDriver?
  • Basic & Advanced Selenium Features
  • Selenium WebDriver Architecture
Locating Elements Strategies Through CSS
  • Tag and ID
  • Tag and Class
  • Tag and Attribute
  • Tag, Class and Attribute
  • Substring Matches
Locating Elements Strategies Through Xpath
  • Using Single Slash
  • Using Double Slash
  • Using Single Attribute
  • Using Multiple Attribute
  • Using AND
  • Using OR
  • Using contains()
  • Using starts_with()
  • Using text()
  • Using last()

The following are important elements of selenium due to their critical importance in the automation process -

  • Handling Drop-Downs
  • WebDriver-Drag and Drop
  • WebDriver-Handling Alerts
  • Scrolling a Web Page
  • WebDriver - Browser Commands
  • WebDriver - Navigation Commands
  • WebDriver - WebElement Commands
  • Handling Radio Buttons
  • Handling Checkbox
  • Selenium Assertions

TestNG with Selenium

TestNG is the framework of automation testing that integrates with Selenium to help testers generate quality test reports in complicated scenarios. Here is what you will learn about TestNG along with the course -

  • TestNG Introduction
  • TestNG Installation
  • Features of TestNG
  • Running Test Cases
  • TestNG Test Suite
  • TestNG XML File
  • Exclude/Include Test Cases
  • Priority Parameter
  • TestNG Groups
  • TestNG Data-Providers

Apart from the above-mentioned fundamentals of TestNG, you will also be made familiar with its numerous annotations of TestNG including -

  • @BeforeSuite
  • @AfterSuite
  • @BeforeTest
  • @AfterTest
  • @BeforeClass
  • @AfterClass
  • @BeforeMethod
  • @AfterMethod
  • @BeforeGroups
  • @AfterGroups

Log4j Logging

Being a logging part of Java, Log4j acts as an adjustable and configurable substructure for Java applications. With the help of Log4j, developers can log messages to develop software codes for improving website performance. In this section you will get trained with the following elements -

  • Log4j Introduction
  • Download Log4j
  • Add Log4j Jars
  • Test Case with Log4j Logging

Maven with Selenium

Maven is a project management tool for web software development which primarily assists testers in reporting and documentation. Maven is used with Selenium to execute tests, manage project dependencies and build settings. In this section you will be covered with the following -

  • Maven Introduction
  • Install Maven in Eclipse IDE
  • Install Maven on Windows and Linux
  • How to Create a New Maven Project in Eclipse?

Other Automation Frameworks

Apart from the above-mentioned frameworks we also have several other frameworks that will help you to have a complete grasp of automation testing -

  • Data-Driven Automation Framework
  • Keyword Driven Automation Framework
  • Modular Automation Framework
  • Hybrid Automation Framework
What Ambitions Can A Participant See After Enrolling in this Course

What Ambitions Can A Participant See After Enrolling in this Course?

We at Ubuy Academy are very dedicated to serving our participants with strong teaching abilities and adequate practical implementations. We aim for our learners to master automation testing and become the next industry-leading automation developers and testers. A participant can expect the following once they are done with our automation testing coaching:

  • By the end of the course, learners will be able to automate testing processes, reduce manual testing efforts, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process.
  • We offer highly recognised Selenium automation certification for our learners. This certification is designed to validate the learner's knowledge and skills in Selenium automation testing.
  • After completion of the course, Ubuy Academy will be facilitating great career opportunities for participants.
  • The ones who complete the course with us can also see their future in the area of entrepreneurship.
  • Practical training programs also form a part of this automation course, to help our learners get real-time experience.
  • Participants will have the opportunity to get familiar with the latest technologies and industry trends.
  • This course also opens the door for some advanced technological disciplines including artificial intelligence, robotics and software engineering.

FAQs Related to Our Automation Training Course in Jaipur

If you are looking to join the best automation training centre located in Jaipur, then Ubuy Academy is the perfect choice for you. We are offering an advanced automation course where you can learn Java Selenium testing, QA, Python, Ruby and other important programming.

Ubuy Academy offers in-depth automation training in Jaipur along with diverse placement opportunities in top-class enterprises. Our aim is to make all the individuals participating in this course specialists in automation testing to get the highest-paying jobs in the industry.

If you are a resident of Jaipur and are looking to join the best automation software testing course, then Ubuy Academy is your ultimate destination. We are providing this automation testing full course for individuals to learn everything about the field from our experienced tutoring team. You can ask any query regarding this course at

Our certification is highly recognizable and allows the participants to join top industries. The skills we develop in participants throughout the course enable them to compete in complicated real-time scenarios. With these aspects, Ubuy Academy becomes the best institute for automation testing, additionally, we also provide you with the top placement opportunities.

Ubuy Academy strongly believes that everyone should get equal opportunity to learn and enhance their skills irrespective of which qualification they carry. That is why, we don’t ask for any type of qualification and are offering this automation testing course for beginners as well as experienced ones.

If you join our automation programming course you will come across numerous advantages including -
  • Interactive offline classes.
  • Training by highly skilled and experienced trainers.
  • Collaborative opportunities with top firms.
  • Continuous learning of industry trends.
  • Selenium with Java certification.
  • Best QA automation training along with placement guarantee.

If you are tired of searching “best selenium training course near me” on Google and still can’t find one then you have come to the right place. Ubuy Academy is presenting a comprehensive selenium testing certification course that will help you in mastering automation and web testing. We have limited seats available now to ensure your enrolment.

Feel Free to Ask Your Queries About Automation Testing Training Course

In case you have questions regarding our automation training course, syllabus, duration, fees, career opportunities and scholarship programs you are free to contact us at